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Nancy's Story


My journey has brought me many Blessings over the years. As there is the Universal Law of Polarity, I have experienced tough times as well. These tough times were really Blessings in Disguise. Some taught me lessons I needed to learn and others happened for my best interests, even if I did not see the reason for weeks or months afterwards. All are Divinely ordered at the moment you need them. 


I have been fortunate to receive Blessings, my desires coming true (IE:  Standing on top of glacier in Alaska). I have also been fortunate to learn lessons life teaches us (IE:  Anger can bring about that you do not want instantly). I have always known God is Real and has always taken care of me. All of these experiences have led me where I am today.


My connection to God, Goddess, Divine Source, Universe and the Angels has always been there and I always knew this connection existed. My connection strengthened after taking a yoga class. Yoga led me to meditation and then to Reiki Energy Healing. Once I discovered Angel cards at a yoga retreat, I wondered how I ever lived without my Angel cards. I also use a pendulum to ask specific questions.


I do understand that these tools seem far fetched as a trusting source for answers to most people. I am going to relay a real life personal story here that involves both the pendulum and Angel cards. This is why I do believe in Divine Magic, as well as, the Pendulum, Angel cards, Akashic Records readings, and Reiki Energy healing.


Back in 2007 I worked for a commercial real estate firm. I was so stressed working everyday, trying to help the firm make money to solve their issues. I reached the point I only wanted out. I applied to jobs almost daily. I was convinced the Universe was helping me get out of this overwhelming situation. In September 2007, I asked the pendulum if I would be out of this firm by January 2008. The pendulum told me "yes". You can imagine how excited I was knowing and believing that I would be out of there in a couple of months, if not sooner. It was more than a shock when I was laid off on October 17, 2007. I knew I received exactly what I had asked for, but in a very different manner. It took me 6 minutes to get to my desk, make a phone call, grab my purse and a couple other personal items and walk out of that place forever. I went home and took a walk. After calming down a bit, I did my Angel cards. I received the card Blessing In Disguise. The message told me that sometimes a situation must be totally dismantled so that something new may enter. The following day I did another Angel card reading. I received the card All Is Well. Message was things will be ok and God and the Angels are bringing me something better. Within the first few days after being laid off, I realized just how much stress had left me. I felt great. I was being selective about jobs I applied for. It was within these first few days I realized that I had been stressing over trying to help fix problems that were not mine to fix. In 6 months I was hired at a retail pharmacy chain. The best job I ever had, the most money I ever earned, and the best people I had ever worked with.


As it has been said, God works in mysterious ways, about a year and half later, I was laid off from this job I thought I would retire from. Again, it did not take long for me to see why. My Mom's health started deteriorating and I was happy that I had the free time to take care of her. I believe this was God's way of moving me in the direction I needed to go. I also believe it was the beginning of me moving in an entirely different direction with my life, even though it took a few more years to walk my new path. My faith became increasingly stronger. 


I do believe that you do receive what you ask for. The above example proves that and also proves that there are many ways to deliver what we think is a simple request. I will share another real life story. It was early December, 2011. I was unemployed and while not making many purchases, I had a small balance on my credit card. I was driving down a main street on my way home. I was uplifted by all the Christmas decorations lighting up the street. I just said, out loud, I wish I would get enough money to pay off my Discover card. It was a couple weeks later when my aunt took my sister, brother-in-law, niece and me to dinner. I was more than surprised when my aunt handed my sister and me a Christmas card. Inside the card was a check. This check was way more than enough to cover me paying off a little more than $1,000 on my credit card. This again strengthened my faith. I asked and received exactly what I asked for. You will never convince me there is no such thing as Divine Magic, or Gifts From God. I know these things are real. What you ask for does show up in your life. When you realize this is true, you become much more aware of what you say and do. This is why I believe you can live the life you want.


My latest tool is Akashic Records. I recently became certified in Akashic Record readings. I registered for this training mainly for me and my personal growth. As I needed to have five practice clients to complete the training and receive certification, I could see in my practice clients their surprise when I told them different negative choices they have made that are blocking them from receiving some of the things they want. The final part of the reading is I put a temporary clearing out in your Akashic Record so that you can return to the Divine Soul Blueprint you had when you originally incarnated. A couple of my blocks were Lack and Confidence. These were so very true for me. Clearing these blocks away has given me the courage to create this website to offer you things I may assist you with on your journey.


I am happy to offer Akashic Records readings along with Angel card readings and long distance Reiki Energy Healing treatments to you.


I have found peace and harmony in my life and being able to help you Reach Your Wish brings me joy and happiness while helping you reach yours. 


I believe the world, with all its problems, can change. Good people make good choices and good choices will lead to people accepting people for who they are and that we all need each other. Each and every one of us has the power to change a person's day by simply offering them a "smile" or a "hello".  Think about what you have the power to change with a little more effort.


I am a true believer in All Things Are Possible. If I did not believe in God, the power of the Universe, or Angels, you would not be reading this now.


Make it Happen! I am here to help you.



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